5 Best Colored Contacts for Brown Eyes (The Complete Reviews)


If your eyes are deep brown, you probably have a hard time finding colored contacts for dark eyes. A lot of non prescription natural colored contacts are very translucent, and that doesn’t work out well for people with dark eyes. The key is to find lenses that are opaque enough with the right sized pupil opening. This will prevent your eye color from showing through. You may want to try different tactics when choosing different colors, and we’ll explore what you should do when selecting contacts in a variety of shades. It’s absolutely possible to find colored contacts for dark eyes.

Before picking your colored contact lenses, there are few tips you would want to know:

Always Shop from a Reliable Retailer

You want to make sure the retailer you’re purchasing your lenses from has been approved by a countrywide organization for medical safety. Reliable retailers will list their licenses on their websites so you know your lenses are coming from a trusted authority. There’s no reason to be suspicious of lens stores that have the proper approval, because you know the product that you’re getting has been deemed safe to use. It’s the ones who don’t have approval that you need to watch out for.

Pick the Size That’s Right for You

Circle lenses come in diameters, and each of these diameters will give you a different look. These range from a more subtle effect to an extreme doll eye effect. If you’re not sure exactly what you’re going for, start somewhere in the middle. If you purchase a pair of lenses that are a midpoint, it will be easy to determine whether you want to go smaller or larger with your future lenses. If you don’t already know exactly how they’re going to look on you, this method will help you find out.

Do You Want a Limbal Ring?

The limbal ring will make a world of difference in how your lenses look on you. The limbal ring is the black band that occurs subtly in our eyes which separates our iris from our sclera. In a contact lens, the limbal ring is often more pronounced. They come in different sizes and thicknesses, and some lenses don’t have one at all. Stronger limbal rings will provide more of a doll-eyed look and does more to make your eyes look larger, while a thinner limbal ring will give you a more natural effect. No limbal ring doesn’t always change the appearance of the size of your eyes and will mostly effect the appearance of your iris.

Deciding on Tones

Lenses come with or without tones. Usually, very opaque lenses tend to be limited to one color. Lenses with different tones are designed to mimic the appearance of your natural eye. If you look closely at your eyes, you’ll notice that they aren’t necessarily one solid color. You’ll have darker shades, lighter shades, and maybe some flecks of color that are completely different from your main eye color. Tonal lenses will use blends of colors to create a similar effect. If you want a very animated look, lenses that rely heavily on tones may not provide one for you. If you’re going for a delicate and dainty look, you’ll probably find that you prefer lenses with tones. Tones will also help blend colorful lenses into dark eyes if you’re having a difficult time finding lenses that work for that purpose. 

Choosing Colors

If you want your lenses to change the color of your eye, there are some things you need to take into consideration. If you have very dark eyes, you’ll need to select a stronger, more opaque color to block your natural eye color from showing through. If you have lighter eyes, you’ll find that there are less limits to your options. Lenses that are more translucent in their colors aren’t necessarily a bad thing, particularly if that color is going to work well with your natural eye color showing through. It may even create a more realistic effect.

Blue Colored Contact


Blue contacts are among the hardest to find, especially if you want natural looking contacts. Going from dark brown to blue is a huge jump. Since blue is so light, you need a contact that’s very opaque in order to prevent as much brown from showing through as possible. Select blue contacts with a more pronounced limbal ring. This will assure that brown doesn’t peek through the circular edges of your iris. The black ring will also create a greater contrast, allowing the blue to appear more vibrant. Try to stay away from powdery blues, which are the least likely to look realistic on dark eyes. Go for sapphire shades, or rich blueberry tones for the most natural looking contacts. 



green contact lenses on brown eyesGreen is one of the best shades of colored contact lenses for brown eyes, as long as you’re selecting the right shade of green. Mint or lime shades are less than ideal if you want natural colored contacts, but there are a variety of green contacts that will look natural. Deep olive tones will blend well with brown eyes, and if your natural eye color shows through, it will simply appear to be accentuating tones. Deep emerald shades won’t look as natural, but they’re easier to blend in. On dark brown eyes, you can effectively use a medium opacity green. If your eyes are brown with amber tones, you can go for shades of green that lean a little more on the jade side. Jade complements golden tones.


Blue contact lenses on brown eyes


Violet contacts are excellent for people who aren’t searching for a natural look, and they’re the easiest unnatural shade to blend with dark brown. Unlike light shades, such as yellow or pink, you’re able to utilize the undertones in violet contact lenses to your advantage. Most dark brown eyes have a red undertone, which means that that particular tone of brown falls under the red umbrella of the color spectrum. Since purple is a mixture of red and blue, you’ll want to find purple contacts that have a little more red than blue in them. This will help them blend into your natural eye color. Violet contacts that are too blue will look strange on dark brown eyes, as the level of contrast will cause the area around the pupil to be very obvious.


Grey colored lenses on brown eyes


If you’re dreaming of light, misty gray contacts, you may have some trouble. Unless the lens is extremely opaque, natural looking gray contacts for dark eyes are hard to find. If you’re interested in a dark, steel gray, you won’t have any trouble at all. Since dark colors won’t make a huge difference from afar, you’ll want to select gray contact lenses with a darker limbal ring. Giving the gray a black band to contrast against will make the gray pop out a little more. Gray lenses that have wisps of black that run throughout the colored portion of the lens are the easiest to blend with your natural eye color.


brown colored lenses on brown eyes


    Hazel contacts on brown eyes are really hard to get wrong. If you’re looking to enhance your eyes with natural looking contact lenses, you can dramatically change your appearance by using brown contacts on dark eyes. There’s no point in getting colored contact lenses that are going to match your eyes exactly, so you’ll want to find a lens with different tones. You have a huge variety of options in this department.

    If your eyes are very dark brown, getting amber lenses will add new dimensions and light to your eyes. Even if they aren’t opaque lenses, brown contacts with different flecks on top of your dark brown eyes will give them a brightening radiance.  You can choose amber, honey, or golden undertones to make your dark brown eyes dazzle.

    You may also be choosing hazel lenses because you’re looking to change the size of your eyes. If you’re only looking for a dolly eyed appearance, select contacts that are the same color as your eyes, but have a large diameter. You can also select a large diameter lens with different tones if you’re looking to get the best of both worlds.


    What Do You Think?

    What are your favorite colored contact lenses for dark eyes? Are you looking to try blue, green, gray, violet, or simply a different shade of brown? Check out our recommendations and tell us about your favorite lenses. Let us know if you want us to add another color review. Share your tips about colored contact for dark eyes with others in the comments section below. We will GIVE AWAY lenses to the helpful comment(s).

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    UPDATED: New customer use code "10OFF" at check-out to save 10% for your first order with us.

    Check out our lenses By Color

    Grey Circle Lens blue circle lenses greens color lenses brown circle lens violet circle lens black circle lens







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